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Titan Construction Products is your complete source for engineered construction products used in highway, commercial, residential, bridge, stormwater, erosion control, irrigation and drainage project applications. Titan’s engineering expertise, local know-how and reliable products combine to deliver a superior level of value added benefits, customer service and profitability.
If we don’t have your solution, we can create it and produce it. Our in-house capabilities, along with our wide range of partnerships, make us more agile than the competition - able to fulfill orders and process changes with greater flexibility. We respond faster than the competition, which allows you to respond faster to your competition.
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Tensar InterAx Geogrids
InterAx® Geogrids combine coextrusion and advanced material science with an optimized geometry to dramatically improve soil interaction and long-term performance.
InterAx® Geogrids are the most advanced geosynthetic solution for subgrade stabilization, pavement optimization and foundations. Designed for maximum confinement of granular fill, they enhance the stiffness and compaction of materials, reducing movement over time.

Western Green
North American Green
When an alternative solution is needed to rock riprip, concrete or block systems, look no further than using permanent High Performance Turf Reinforcement Mats (HPTRMs). These products are ideal for channels, slopes and other areas of need for permanent vegetation reinforcement and soil stabilization protection from water and wind.

Tensar TriAx Geogrids
TriAx® Geogrids provide innovative subgrade stabilization and pavement optimization, utilizing a unique triangular geometry to enhance stiffness and distribute loads efficiently.
TriAx® Geogrids are ideal for roads, parking lots and industrial applications, these geogrids reduce installation costs and increase durability. Designed for both paved and unpaved surfaces, TriAx geogrids improve aggregate interlock, reduce excavation needs, and extend pavement service life.
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Titan’s reliability extends beyond our products and offerings and to customer service. At Titan, we make ourselves accessible to customers. We hold integrity in high regard by doing what we say we’ll do. We care about the work, and we care about customer satisfaction.